This is your year to become a member of the P I T T S B U R G H Society of Artists, one of the largest artist guilds in western Pennsylvania with nearly 300 artist members in all media. We offer artists the chance to join with peers in a lifelong pursuit of artistic expression.

Since 1965, the P I T T S B U R G H Society of Artists remains dedicated to providing our members with exhibition opportunities and encouraging creative thinking through meetings, workshops, critiques, field trips to museums, artist studios and much more. Become a P I T T S B U R G H Society of Artists member and take advantage of our valuable resources for personal and artisitic growth such as the fellowship of your peers and interesting programs.

As a member of the P I T T S B U R G H Society of Artists, all this can be yours. There is no fee for screening. If accepted, annual dues are $40.00.

Applicants for P I T T S B U R G H Society of Artists membership are asked to submit three original works completed within the last two years and not under direct instruction. Each applicant is assigned a number which is attached to each piece for the screening. Work is considered by members of the board of directors. Applicants are accepted by a two-thirds vote of board members present. Work must be finished and gallery-ready. Appropriate hangers and stands must be provided for three-dimensional work.

Following are rough guidelines board members follow in evaluating submissions:

CONSISTENCY: The most decisive factor in judging a candidate for membership is the artist’s ability to speak with a recognizable voice through their work. Consistency in style and medium allows an artist to showcase their talents in the particular area in which they are most accomplished.

VISUAL INTEREST: Visual interest is evaluated by looking at the strength of the work based on the elements and principles of art and design.

CONTENT: The work is examined with an eye towards originality, expression and meaning.

CRAFTSMANSHIP: Craftsmanship is rated according to the skill and degree of quality in the work and presentation.

All due care will be taken handling art during screening hours. PSA is not responsible for loss or damage of art.

P I T T S B U R G H Society of Artists is a 501(c)(4) organization. Pittsburgh, PA  Copyright © 2019-  All rights reserved.

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